Spotting Fake Covid-19 News

One of the biggest problems with fake news and conspiracy theories is that they can be incredibly difficult to spot. To most people, Covid-19 is a “fake news” story. This is because the story of Covid-19 was first covered by the mainstream media, and then it was picked up by so many different news outlets. […]

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How Did Covid-19 Spread So Fast?

In the last year, Covid-19 has grown into a global phenomenon, with many people across the world trying to get their hands on it. But how did this happen? Where did it come from? What is it doing? What is Covid-19? A new coronavirus, called “COVID-19,” seems to be spreading more quickly than any other […]

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Which Animals Will Survive Climate Change?

What is Climate Change & How can we Battle It? Climate change refers to long-term shifts in global or regional climate patterns, primarily attributed to human activities that alter the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. These alterations lead to changes in temperature, precipitation, sea levels, and other climatic variables, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, economies, […]

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Why Wasps Are Important

Have you ever wondered why Wasps are important? If so, you are not alone. This little insect attracted many curious eyes – and lots of hate! Why? Because of the stings they use as weapons to protect their nests. Getting To Know Our Buzzing Friends Wasps are those large, scary insects that buzz around your […]

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Why is the Sea Level Rising?

It seems like the Earth was once a big blue marble, but now it’s turning into a very small blue marble. That’s because the oceans are rising, and scientists are worried—seriously worried—about the future of our planet. Sea level is rising faster than ever recorded in history, and it’s causing climate change. What does that […]

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