How to Find the Birthplace of Your Ancestors

Genealogy is an important area of study that is often underutilized. Many great accomplishments from history are lost if people fail to study their genealogy, so if you want to know more about your ancestors, there’s no time like the present to get started! Here are Ways to Find the Birthplace of Your Ancestors: Start […]

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Why Do Animals Love Petting?

The social bond formed between animals and human is the greatest of all. Animals express affection in many ways, including head-butting, licking, rubbing, and grooming. But of all the ways animals show affection, perhaps their need to touch is perhaps the sweetest. According to Dr. Sam Gosling, academic institutions studying animal behavior have found that […]

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CBD Isolate: Uses, Benefits & Risks

CBD isolate is a cannabis extract that is distilled from the whole plant. This chemical compound can function as an antidepressant, an analgesic, and an antiemetic. The FDA does not recognize CBD isolate as a dietary supplement but as an additive or flavoring in foods. This chemical compound is non-psychoactive and can be used as […]

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The Storm Surge: Why and How It Happens

Storm surges are powerful, fast-moving currents of ocean water that are most often associated with strong winds and heavy rain. They usually occur during major hurricanes or extra-tropical cyclones. This article will explore the science behind why and how storm surges happen and have an overview of what to do if you were caught in […]

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